Category Archives: Podcast Entry

Audio Podcast Entries

Camera Position 02 : Light in Montepulciano

Camera Position #2 is about a photograph I made in 1997 of the Tempio di San Biagio, a beautiful Renaissance church just outside the walls of the Tuscan hilltown of Montepulciano. It’s all about the light and waiting for that light to be right.

Montepulciano, Tuscany, 1997
Photograph by Jeff Curto

Camera Position 01 : An Introduction through an Italian window

This introductory podcast explains what I want to try to accomplish with this Camera Position and what I will be talking about as the shows progress. Camera Position is a podcast about the art of creative photography, featuring the work of noted fine art photographer Jeff Curto. This episode features a photograph made in the town of Positano, Italy.

Positano, Campania, 1996
Photograph by Jeff Curto