Category Archives: Blog Entry

Non-Audio Entries

Podcasting & Digital Storytelling at PhotoPlus Expo

I’ve just posted the audio and presentation slides of the session I did a few weeks ago at PhotoPlus Expo in New York.

The presentation was about how to create podcasts and other “digital storytelling” pieces and covers software, hardware and workflow for multimedia projects. At a little over 2 hours, it’s longer than a typical Camera Position podcast, so I’m not presenting it as one, but rather linking to the presentation’s web page, which contains a variety of resources that include the presentation slides, the presentation audio and  links to a wide variety of resources.

Take a look…. 

PhotoPlus Expo Graphic

Shutter Stories Magazine Launches

Shutter Stories Header

Tomasz Trzebiatowski has launched Shutter Stories Magazine, an online interview-based magazine.

Shutter Stories subtitle is “Where Photographers Talk” and talk they do, as the premiere issue has interviews with Jim Zuckerman, Noah Grey and Photocast Network pal Martin Bailey as the first interviews. The interviews themselves are short and easy-to-digest, but insightful and interesting and are, as you might expect, peppered with example images from each photographer.

Take a look!

Photocast Network Roundtable Discussion #2

We’ve done another of the Photocast Network Roundtable discussions. This week , John Arnold (Photo Walkthrough), Chris Marquardt (Tips from the Top Floor), Ibarionex Perello (The Candid Frame) and Jeff Curto discuss the importance of printing, lens selection, metering & exposure and self assignments.

We’ve set up a separate subscription feed for these Roundtable (email me with suggestions for a better name) discussions so if you’re subscribed to more than one of the podcasts that participate in the discussions, you won’t get multiple downloads of the show.

Here are the ways you can get the podcast:

Since this is a new venture for us, let us know what you think and what you’d like to see on future episodes of the Roundtable. And… please… help us find a better name for this thing!