Podcast of PhotoPlus Expo Presentation Posted

Curto's Podcasting session at PhotoPlus Expo

I’ve posted both the Enhanced and Audio-Only podcasts of my presentation on Podcasting and Digital Storytelling from PhotoPlus Expo last week. The content is semi-off-topic for Camera Position, so I’m just pointing to it from this blog post. If you’re interested in podcasting or making slide shows from your photographs, you might want to check it out.

6 thoughts on “Podcast of PhotoPlus Expo Presentation Posted”

  1. I am fairly new to listening to your podcast and have enjoyed them so much that I downloaded the full library and am presently up to #34 while listening to 2-3 per day while on my exercise bike (photography can even get one into shape). I should be in great physical and photography-mental shape to go out into the field by the time I get caught up with the Photo history ones! Many, many Thanks.

    Technical question – Why do I keep receiving this same Oct 29,2008 RSS feed? I have probably received this same one every other day for the past several weeks. If you believe it is on my end let me know as I will pursue Comcast or whomever.


  2. Hey Jeff, I managed to start a podcast myself this past summer. We’re headed into the big buying season for brides and I thought it would be a lot of fun for us to have an art history conversation. I like looking at the wedding photo purchase as the largest art purchase an average person that age has ever made and maybe we can talk through a basic ‘primer’ for a photography buyer? It would also be fun to place modern (wedding) photographers into the milieu of photo-history stylistically….

  3. Phil;

    Thanks for your comment and for “Pedaling for Camera Position”!


    I’ve been grappling with a problem with the RSS feed for the blog for months now. I thought I’d solved it by turning off some WordPress plugins, but it seems to have resurfaced. I’ll keep looking for a solution.

    Keep on riding!


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